Welcome to the Hybrid Theory Tech Blog. We are the Engineering Team.

Investigating Google's FLoC: Open-sourcing our SimHash implementation
After our investigation on performance of Google's "Federated Learning of Cohorts" proposal, we have open-sourced our implementation of SimHash for Python.
Past Articles
Affectv is now Hybrid Theory
We're very excited to announce our transition from Affectv to Hybrid Theory
The Magic of PySpark
We were part of PyDay Barcelona 2019, gave coffee and talked about Apache Spark
Spark, Redshift and the revenge of UTF8
A puzzling problem between Spark, Redshift and Parquet and how string lengths are calculated.
SSH autocompletion for EC2 instances
At Affectv we love automation. We strive to take it one step further: let the computer do the job. Or at least, let the computer make our lives easier. Today we’ll show an example of what we mean.
NXLog hook for Logrus logger in Go
At Affectv we love logs. To make them better for everybody, we have open sourced our Go implementation of a Logrus connector with NXLog. Have a read about why we wrote it and how you can use it.
Affectv is now Hybrid Theory
We're very excited to announce our transition from Affectv to Hybrid Theory
The Magic of PySpark
We were part of PyDay Barcelona 2019, gave coffee and talked about Apache Spark
Spark, Redshift and the revenge of UTF8
A puzzling problem between Spark, Redshift and Parquet and how string lengths are calculated.
SSH autocompletion for EC2 instances
At Affectv we love automation. We strive to take it one step further: let the computer do the job. Or at least, let the computer make our lives easier. Today we’ll show an example of what we mean.
NXLog hook for Logrus logger in Go
At Affectv we love logs. To make them better for everybody, we have open sourced our Go implementation of a Logrus connector with NXLog. Have a read about why we wrote it and how you can use it.